Program terms

Course registration and payment
・Course registration is complete upon confirmation of payment.
・Advance payment by credit card (Visa, MasterCard, American Express) is required for course registration.
・No refunds or cancellations once you have completed payment for a course. Session date changes permitted until 23:59 JST the day prior to the reserved session date.)
・You cannot register for multiple courses simultaneously.
Cancellation policy
・If you are no longer able to attend a session you have reserved, date changes are permitted until 23:59 JST the day prior to the reserved session date. If youʼre unsure when you intend to participate, you can change your reservation status to “Pending.”
・ Due to the nature of the program, it is not possible to join halfway through a session or to leave before the end of the session. Participants arriving 15 minutes after the session start time, will be treated as no-shows and will have their reservation automatically cancelled – in this case, your session slot will be forfeited and cannot be rescheduled.
・ In the event we cancel a session due to a natural disaster or other emergency, server-related or other technical issues, we will contact you to reschedule your session.
Online programs
・All online programs (Online sessions, Online sessions (Japanese only)) will take place on the web conferencing platform, Zoom.
・All online programs will be in English unless otherwise indicated. Please note the program Online session (Japanese only) is conducted in Japanese with no English interpretation.
・Dates and times for all online programs are indicated in Japan Standard Time (JST).
・We request that participants access Zoom from a personal computer, laptop or tablet (not a smartphone) with a working webcam, microphone and speakers.
・Please ensure you participate in the program in an environment with a stable internet connection. (Do not use mobile phone tethering or public wifi)
・White Ship, Inc. accepts no responsibility pertaining to situations in which you are unable to participate in the program due to internet connection issues, problems with your personal computer equipment, or other unexpected issues related to internet connectivity, bandwidth/speed etc.
・Due to the nature of the program, we request that participants have their webcam switched on during the session.
・Download and install the Microsoft Lens app to your smartphone, you will need this app to take a photo of your artwork in the program.
・The EGAKU Art Kit – an art kit developed exclusively for the EGAKU Program - is mandatory for participation in the program. Participants cannot participate in EGAKU without the EGAKU Art Kit. Learn more here >>
・Recordings (video or audio) or taking photos or screenshots etc. during the session is strictly prohibited.
Gallery programs
・Our in-person gallery sessions are held at 9201 Gallery, inside the White Ship office,6F Terasawa Bld, 1-7-17 Motoakasaka, Minatoku, Tokyo, Japan.
・Gallery sessions are open to both Japanese and English speakers. The program is conducted in Japanese with English interpretation support.
・ Participants must bring their EGAKU Art Kit to the session. If you do not have one you can purchase one here.
・ Participants who attend the session without their EGAKU Art Kit, can purchase one on the day at the venue.
・ Due to the nature of the program, you cannot participate as an observer.
・ Once the session has reached capacity, all further reservations will be waitlisted. We appreciate your understanding in this matter.
Online sessions (Japanese only)
・ All programs marked, Online session (Japanese only) are conducted in Japanese with no English interpretation. If would like to attend an online session in English, please select Online session .
・ The EGAKU Program involves a significant amount of verbal and written communication and requires an advanced level of fluency in the language the program is conducted in. We recommend participating in the language you are comfortable communicating in.
Art materials for the EGAKU Program
・Use of the EGAKU Art Kit (EGAKU Pastels, set of EGAKU color paper, EGAKU Frame, fixative spray or hair spray as a substitute) is a requirement for participation in the EGAKU Program, regardless of whether you are participating online or in-person. It is the participantʼs responsibility to ensure they have all the required art materials, if you need to buy the EGAKU Art Kit or any items in the kit you can purchase them here.
・Orders of art materials will be shipped within 3 business days after confirmation of your order. Please allow sufficient time between your session date and placing your order, and ensure you receive delivery by the day of the session.
・In the event you are unable to receive delivery of the art materials in time for your session date, please change your reservation by 23:59 JST the day prior to the session date from MY PAGE.
・No returns or exchanges of goods accepted.
・In the event you find the goods to be damaged or faulty, please contact us within 7 days of receipt of the goods. We will ensure the swift exchange of goods. In this case, we will cover the costs of returning the goods. For residents outside Japan: contact us for details.
・ In any event, compensation for any damaged or faulty goods will be capped at the price of the goods in question.
・ In the event that your order cannot be delivered to the registered delivery address due to an extended period of absence, delivery failure or an incorrect address, and the storage period for the package has been exceeded (7 days from the first attempted delivery date), the package may be returned to us. In this case, you will be liable for any costs incurred for redelivery and we will invoice you accordingly. We appreciate your kind understanding.
・Resale of the EGAKU Art Kit and other EGAKU art materials or use for commercial purposes is strictly prohibited.
Joining a session from outside Japan
・Participants can register for a course and join the EGAKU sessions from outside Japan. Note all online session times are indicated in Japan Standard Time (JST).
・International shipping fees are not included in the price of EGAKU art materials. Shipping to international addresses will be subject to an additional shipping fee, we will email you separately regarding the payment amount and method.
・When shipping the EGAKU Art Kit to addresses outside Japan, the kit will be shipped without the fixative spray as this item cannot be shipped internationally. Participants can participate in an EGAKU session without a fixative spray, however, a can of hairspray (unscented if possible) can be purchased locally as a substitute.
・Shipments of art materials outside Japan may be subject to local customs taxes and import duties. Any local customs taxes and and import duties will be the responsibility of the participant, purchaser of the goods. We appreciate your kind understanding.
・Shipping times vary by country, please allow for 1 month from order confirmation to delivery and adjust your session reservations accordingly.
・Due to international shipping restrictions, there may be certain countries we are unable to ship to – for enquiries contact us at
Copyright and intellectual property
・Copyrights for the text data entered into the worksheets on the website and artworks created in EGAKU rests with the author.
・White Ship, Inc. retains the right of reproduction and use of the following anonymized data without being subject to fees for usage: i) the digital images related to the artworks (including but not limited to internet, print media etc.), ii) text data entered on the website.
・ White Ship, Inc. owns the copyrights to the worksheets and all program related materials.

※ Privacy Policy
※ ”EGAKU” is a registered trademark of White Ship, Inc. (registration number: 5909554)